User Oriented

Malmo provides a large collection of elements and shortcodes.

Make the ultimate portfolio and easily add it anywhere with the portfolio list shortcode. Pick one of the carefully designed portfolio layouts and choose a hover animation. Set precisely how many items you would like to display, choose which portfolio items should be shown,enable a category filter, set a desired number of columns –portfolio lists are intuitive and easy to control.

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They Say

Imagine and create

Het is een plezier om met Lies samen te werken, want je kunt erop rekenen dat ze meedenkt, de corporate guidelines minutieus toepast en daarenboven steeds het overzicht houdt over de verschillende projecten. Lies werkt snel en ze komt haar afspraken nauwgezet na. Het is voor mij een hele geruststelling om projecten met Lies op te zetten want ik weet dat het eindresultaat precies goed zal zijn.

Kaatje Vantilborgh - Viessmann

Bij Lies kan ik altijd terecht voor bijkomend advies of aanpassingen aan mijn site, ook nog na aflevering. Ze denkt mee en zoekt naar een oplossing die het best bij mijn zaak (en mijn portemonnee) past. Bij problemen met externe instanties neemt zij het heft in handen en handelt alles met hen af. Dat is voor mij echt goud waard dat ze dat doet omdat het toch over een materie gaat waar ik zelf maar weinig van ken.

Kerstin Serckx - Zen-ergy

Lies ontwierp onze website, alsook onze brochure en onze werfdoeken. Gedurende het hele traject van briefing, ontwerpen tot afleveren heeft ze naar onze wensen geluisterd. Ze is nooit te beroerd om aanpassingen te doen. Deadlines zijn nooit een probleem. Lies is goed bereikbaar en is duidelijk in haar communicatie. Altijd leuk om met haar samen te werken!

Rudi Vranckx - EVO Construct

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor labore et dolore maqna aliqua.

Tatiana Holmes Project manager

Convenient & easy

Innovative Technologies

Malmo provides a large collection of elements and shortcodes. All elements can be easily styled and modified in Elated settings.

View Features

Free your creative side


The Elated Slider comes with video and image support, as well as parallax functionality. Create the website you’ve always wanted.

View Features

Site creation simplified


Setting up your website and creating pages full of stunning content has never been easier. Create any layout combination you can imagine.

View Features

Great Design

Liven up your text blocks with beautiful images. This combination will attract readers, and draw their eyes to the key pieces of information on your site pages.



Create the website you’ve always wanted. Malmo provides a large collection of elements and shortcodes. Create any layout combination you can imagine.



Take control over your site. All elements can be easily styled and modified in Elated settings. Customization is intuitive and easy. Display your content in style.



The Visual Composer drag n’ drop page builder comes with Malmo. Setting up your website and creating pages full of stunning content has never been easier.

Elated design

Add sections with the neat parallax effect to your pages. Make browsing your website an exciting experience.

Fast support

Malmo provides a large collection of elements and shortcodes. Create any layout combination you can imagine.

Demo import

All elements can be easily styled in Elated settings. Customization is easy. Take control over your website.

Retina ready

Visual Composer is packed with Malmo. Setting up your website and creating stunning content has not been easier.

You Have to Know

Malmo provides a large collection of elements and shortcodes. All elements can be easily styled and modified in Elated settings.

Adobe Photoshop 0
Adobe Illustrator 0
View Features 0
PHP, JS Programming 0

Our Working Process

The Visual Composer drag-and-drop page builder is packed with Malmo. Display your essential content in style and create the website you’ve always wanted. Customization is intuitive and easy.

Creative Process
Design & Development
Final Product

We Are Clients

Display your essential content in style. Create the website you’ve always wanted.

Latest Blog News

Creating a blog is easy. Make browsing your website an exciting experience.

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We Are The Team

Show off your amazing employees, or highlight key members of your team.


We Love What We Do.

Malmo comes with a large collection of shortcodes. Display your content in style.